What Sabotages Your Success?

What Sabotages Your Success?

It can be hard.

You work so long to achieve success but it can take one little thing that can sabotage it. It can be frustrating when you’ve spent so much time and energy to be successful only to have it derailed by something out of your control.

There are many factors that can sabotage your success and when you identify them, it can make it easier to combat them and not let them get in your way.

Here are six things that can sabotage your success.

1.Ego & Self-Doubt

There are a lot of times it’s your own ego that can impede success. You can work long and hard and overcome other external obstacles, but sometimes it’s just that pesky ego that gets in the way.

Your ego can act like an inner voice that can distract you from achieving success. That little voice can sometimes make you think you ”don’t need this/them”. ”Don’t need” training to learn and practise a martial art. Don’t need this friend of yours, with whom you had an argument, being unwilling to admit the part of your responsibility.What’s worse is when your ego takes over and you think you can do everything on your own. This can make it difficult to succeed because you’re not willing to ask for help when you need it.

Thinking you don’t need help, and that you can do everything on your own, is a sure fire way to have your success stopped. A better approach is to recognise that you can’t do everything and need the help of others.

2.Fear Of Rejection

This is serious because it can prevent you from even starting anything. If you foresee a future rejection, it leaves you less motivated to being a project or pursue a goal. You have to realise there will be times you will get rejected. When this keeps happening it can make your confidence drop, but you need to take a new approach.

You need to see NO as a good thing. The more No’s you get out of the way the closer you can get to hearing yes and finding success.

3.The Fear Of Moving Out Of Your Comfort Zone

To create your own version of success in your life, you need to get uncomfortable. If you stay in the same comfort zone, and in the same habits, it will not help you grow and develop. To create change and success, you need to make some big moves. These might be challenging, and you’d rather be safe and comfortable, but it’s necessary to achieve success.

If you think of being uncomfortable as a way to transform things, that’s when real success can happen.

4.Financial Insecurity

There is nothing that can sabotage success more than money. Money has so much control of our lives that it dictates pretty much all of our decisions. It’s time not to let financial insecurity jeopardise your success.

It’s easy to think pursuing something new is risky, but all things worth doing are. Money is not a bad thing, and it gives you freedom. Freedom to live the life you want and experience many things. The real risk exists in not making the change. If you keep doing the same things over and over, you’ll keep getting the same results. Sometimes you have to take the risk if you want to have things you’ve never had before and achieve goals you’ve never achieved.


This is a real curse for most people. It’s always easy to think about putting things off, but this will do you no favours for achieving success. Don’t let procrastination sabotage your success. It’s easy to think you don’t have the time, or this isn’t the right point in your life to start something, but these are just excuses that will get in your way. Instead, you need to look at making a decision and making it right now. Think about this being your time now and do something today that your future self will thank you for.

6.Fear of Failure & Of The Unknown

This is a natural thing and fear dictates so much of our lives. When it comes to fear of failure, it’s easy to think of letting yourself and others down. You may wonder what others will think of you but you need to change your perspective. Instead of failure think about it as a learning opportunity that will help you grow.

There are also other fears. You may fear you’re not good enough and you shouldn’t put yourself first but think of this in a new manner, remember that you have the courage to succeed and that you deserve success.

You may also worry about the unknown. You might not even be sure what it is that you want to do or achieve and this may prevent you from doing so. When you change this fear to a new idea of exploration, it can make success more achievable. Instead of thinking of how bad things may be, think about what amazing opportunities and experiences you may get instead.

There are always many reasons not to do something but when you pay attention to that you won’t allow yourself to be successful. Get rid of that self doubt and tell yourself that you can do it. All things will be possible when you decide that it is possible and with this new mindset there will be nothing to hold you back.