Dream Career Accelerator

Dream Career Accelerator

  • Discover what you truly love to do, your passion.
  • Reset your mindset and overcome any challenges, inner and external ones.
  • Strengthen your resilience and reach your peak performance.
  • Maximize your potential by increasing self-awareness.
  • Develop the soft skills required for a successful career transition.
  • Create a risk-free transition plan and get proven strategies.

The Goal

Find your passion & kickstart your career transition

Course Length

6 Weeks

Course Format



What is it for? 

The Dream Career Accelerator is a 6-week online program with online videos, workbooks, Q+A calls and a community of passion chasers.

It inspires you discover your passion, what you truly love, and provides you real-life strategies to have a successful career transition.

Is this for you?

It’s for anyone who wants to discover their passion and pursue the career they truly love.

Where does it happen?

The Dream Career Accelerator is online and consists of training videos, tools, live Q&A calls and a Facebook community. You complete it online, on your own time and pace.   

How does it work?

You watch the videos of every week, use the provided tools and complementary material, as well as complete the action items. Ask questions in the Facebook group and on the live Q&A calls and get the extra support you need. Follow our process and get the results you want.

When does it start?

Anytime. It’s an online program. It starts the moment you enroll. You can complete it in your own time and work through it as fast or slow as you wish.

You get lifetime access.

Why was it created?

More than 80% of the global employed population does not love their current job. 

Work does not bring happiness to most of the people, but serves instead as a basic source of income for them to both survive and afford things and experiences which make them happy, out of their workplace. 

We firmly believe that doing work you truly love is and should be one of the main ingredients of one’s success and happiness.

Here’s what you’ll get:

The Dream Career Accelerator helps you find your passion, what you truly love, and have a successful career transition. You’ll get:

Mindset Resetting

The mindset of consistency and persistence and constant development. You’ll take full charge of your life and will be able to overcome any challenges of yours, both inner and external, along the way of pursuing the career you truly love.

Increase Awareness

We help you increase your self-awareness, by clarifying your values, your interests, your strengths and weaknesses, your vision and the impact you want to make on the world.

Passion Discovery

Discover and unleash your #1 passion, what you truly love to do. It can be anything and we help you discover it and make the most out of it.


We help you build the habits that help you boost your productivity and reach your peak performance, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Skills & qualifications clarity

We help you fully leverage your unique skill set as well as find and acquire as fast as possible the skills and qualifications you might need to make a successful career transition.

Interview performance

Tested interview tips from the moment you start your applications until you get the job and role you want.


Find the right support from like-minded people. Join our ‘‘Passion Chasers’’ Facebook community, get help, practise your pitches, make friends and enjoy yourself.

Constant Mentorship

Do you have any questions during the program? Post them on our Facebook community and participate in our weekly live Q&A.

Dream Career Accelerator

The Dream Career Accelerator helps you find your passion, what you truly love, and have a successful career transition. You’ll get:


  • We give you a full overview of the program. A summary of what to expect from #1 week till #6 week
  • We design and set together the ground rules that empower our partnership, serving you make the most out of the program.
  • We help you establish in your daily life the foundations of the program. That is, both the right principles and habits that are going to help you boost your productivity, reach your peak performance, and strengthen your resilience, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
  • We serve you to develop the right mindset for you to be aware of and overcome any upcoming challenges of yours along the way, both inner and external ones.
  • We make sure you schedule and find the proper time and space for yourself to discover your passion.
  1. Designing our partnership:

    In order for you to make the most out of the program and for us to deliver you the best value possible, we have to set our ground rules. That is, our expectations. What do we expect from you? What else would you like and expect from us?

  2. Setting the foundations:

    – What are the principles that will be serving you for at least 6 weeks?

     – How do you implement them effectively?

     – What are the activities that enhance your productivity and prepare the ground for your business success?

     – How can you be consistent with these activities and how can you effectively turn them into habits, integrating them in your everyday life?

    We provide you with the proper tools and techniques to answer these questions for you.


Discovering and pursuing your passion can be quite challenging for many reasons. Obstacles and challenges, both inner and external, are part of your business journey.

Nevertheless, the real challenge is not potential challenges themselves. It’s your ‘‘responsibility’’, your ability to respond to every one of them. Dealing with external challenges requires the skill of adaptability. Dealing with inner ones requires self-awareness; such as awareness of our fears, our strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Mindset Resetting

We help you develop the right mindset by specific techniques and methods to practice ‘‘responsibility’’ and adaptability, as well as  to increase your self-awareness.

    2. Securing your ‘‘Peace Time’’

We are constantly being bombed by others’ opinions, beliefs and agendas. People who surround us do have a significant influence on us, regardless of how hard it is for every human being to admit that. It happens through daily interactions with others. As a result, we keep on being ‘‘busy’’, although we neglect ourselves and our real needs.

For this reason, we make sure you take the necessary time and space for you to pause your hectic routine and explore yourself further. ‘‘Peace time’’ is key for discovering your passion.


#3 week includes 2 modules:

1) Awareness

2) Unleashing your passion

  1. Awareness

This is self-awareness. What are your talents, your favorite strengths and your unique skills? Your core values? Your professional and personal vision? What role do you want to play and what is the impact you want to make on the world? Your passion is at the intersection and in the harmonic integration of all the above.

We help you get clarity on all of these questions, enhancing your self-awareness. A prominent step for your passion discovery; because your passion derives from all of those mentioned above, from your ‘‘being’’.

     2. Unleashing your  passion

You have found your ‘‘peace time’’. You’re already at a place where it’s just you and yourself. You have enhanced your self-awareness and now you’re about to discover your passion.

We provide you with the most effective method for your passion discovery, accompanied by the right tools and techniques to access it.

As a result, you find and unleash your #1 passion in this period of your life.


You have discovered your passion and your momentum has just started. Nevertheless, it’s important to both maintain and continue building on it, and now it’s time to create an actionable plan and act on it. We help you plan your next steps to explore your passion in real life and take the right direction for you. Testing your passion in real life is crucial in order for you to bridge any possible gap between a specific perception of yours for your passion and how this applies to everyday life.

Besides that, we support you with the right tools and methods that keep you on track with your plan and propel you to take action and start implementing it immediately.

  1. Planning your next steps

What are the next steps that you need to take in order to start effectively exploring your passion? We help you clarify them, set a specific plan for their application as well as take action, dealing with any form of procrastination of yours. As a result, you start implementing your plan and trying out your passion immediately, maintaining your transition momentum.

  1. Accountability

Setting a plan for your next steps is necessary to both give you the certainty of the direction that you need and remind you to move forward, and take action. Nevertheless, it might not be enough. Holding yourself accountable to yourself and our Facebook community by sharing specific deadlines for your next steps will give you the extra push that you need to move forward in the program.

     3. Structure

We provide you with the tools and methods that will constantly remind you of your steps and their deadlines. Planning your next steps and accountability are necessary, but routine can easily distract you. For this reason, you’ll have the right toolkit that will remind you every day your action items and your passion exploration.

Action time. You officially explore your passion this week. You take the first taste of it. We make sure that you start and complete the action items, helping you to deal with personal challenges that are likely to emerge.

    4. Action mindset

Taking action to explore further your passion and see if it resonates with you is definitely essential. At the same time, it’s important as well to realize the benefits of taking action in general in your life. A ‘‘go-getter’’ mentality allows you to pursue your goals, regardless of what they are, and achieve them. It’s a way of life. We help you practice it.

     5. Overcoming your challenges

We make sure you to overcome your personal challenges that are likely to emerge at this point. This is the pivotal point, where you feel discomfort and that you’re not ready yet to explore your passion in real life. A few of these challenges are procrastination, fear or discomfort of learning something different and new about yourself, pressure and discouragement by family, friends, colleagues, society in general.


We make sure that you don’t come to hasty conclusions about your passion and its resonance with you. You have just taken a small taste of it, but you need to give more time to it to be able to observe your feelings, your thoughts, your reactions during this experimentation period,

But what if you do want more time to explore your passion? In this case, we provide you with the methods that will help you explore the most out of it as well as effectively manage and leverage the extra time that you will devote to it.

  1. Passion observation

As we’ve mentioned, it’s prominent for you to come to the right conclusions, in terms of your passion resonance in your daily life. We help you effectively observe your daily passion experiences by providing you with the proper tools.

     2. Explorer’s mindset

How can you make the most out of your observation time? By exploring, being open, and staying curious about yourself.

We help you develop the ‘‘exploration mindset’’ that opens for you more ideas and opportunities.

     3. Consistency

Should you decide to take more time for yourself and your passion for further exploration, consistency and time management, play a crucial role here.

On the one hand, being consistent in exploring your passion secures you the answers that you look for yourself. Nevertheless, consistency is a skill, hence we provide you with the methods and tools to develop it.

On the other hand, making the most out of the extra time that you’re about to devote in your passion is necessary, because you want to come to the right conclusions for it and at the same time not spend more time than required. That’s why we give you the proper method to achieve this balance.


Here’s what we cover:

– Tracking jobs/role/business ideas that best resonate with your passion.

– Transition: Skills & qualifications you need to acquire.

– Starting your applications, interview preparation, or market research.

– Interview/First meeting performance

  1. Prospecting

What are the potential jobs/business ideas that most express your passion? We help you examine discover and clarify your current options as well as decide on which options you need to focus more.

  1. Transition

Transition includes two important parts:

1) Skills & Qualifications and

2) Risk-free transition Plan. 


1) Skills & Qualifications : We help you figure out the specific skills and qualifications that are needed to have a successful career transition.

2) Transition Plan: We design with you a plan tailored to your needs, regarding the right methods that will help you acquire the skills and qualifications you lack.

Besides that, we provide you with the toolkit that will support you on effectively managing and making the most out of your available time for your acquiring the skills and qualifications you need and for your career transition in general.

  1. Interview preparation/Market Research

We make sure you start applying for the jobs you’re most interested in or researching for business ideas that resonate with your passion. We provide you with the tools and methods to effectively present and promote yourself, starting from the application/research process.

  1. Interview/First meeting performance

You have just been invited for an interview or a potential client reached out to you. What do you need to know before the interview/first meeting and how do you stand out from candidates/competitors? How can you maximize your performance in order to both proceed to the next stage of the interview process and get the job/close the deal?

We answer these questions.

What Our Passion Chasers Say:

Here’s a summary of what you’ll get:

  • Discover what you truly love to do, your passion.
  • Reset your mindset and overcome any challenges, inner and external ones.
  • Strengthen your resilience and reach your peak performance.
  • Maximize your potential by increasing self-awareness.
  • Develop the soft skills required for a successful career transition.
  • Create a risk-free transition plan and get proven strategies. 

Get in touch with us

Contact us to get a

FREE trial of

Dream Career Accelerator

100% money-back guarantee

How it works?

1) You complete the programme

2) You give us your feedback