Benefits of Working With a Life-Coach
Benefits of Working With a Life-Coach
Most coaching clients hire their coach as a sounding board; like a mirror that reflects back their emotions,behaviour ,themselves, offering honest feedback to them as well. Besides that, clients pay their coaches to be truly listened to.
Clients described the role of their coach as :
Sounding board: 84.8%
Motivator: 78.1%
Friend: 56.7%
Mentor: 50.5%
Business consultant: 46.7%
Teacher: 41.0%
Taskmaster: 30.5%
Spiritual guide: 29.5%
Other: 13.3%
The majority of clients turn to their coach having as agenda time management, career and business. Coaching on relationships, family, wellness, spirituality, goal setting and finance has a lower but still significant percentage.
Time management: 80.5%
Career: 74.3%
Business: 73.8%
Relationships/Family: 58.6%
Physical/Wellness: 51.9%
Spiritual: 51.0%
Personal: 45.2%
Goal-setting: 39.5%
Financial: 38.1%
Creativity: 11.0%
Other: 01.4%
Clients reported the following outcomes :
Self-awareness: 67.6%
Setting better goals: 62.4%
More balanced life: 60.5%
Lower stress levels: 57.1%
Self-discovery: 52.9%
Self-confidence: 52.4%
Improvement in quality of life: 43.3%
Enhanced communication skills: 39.5%
Project completion: 35.7%
Health or fitness improvement: 33.8%
Better relationship with boss and co-workers: 33.3%
Better family relationship(s): 33.3%
Increased energy: 31.9%
More fun: 31.9%
More income: 25.7%
Stopped a bad habit: 25.7%
Change in career: 24.3%
More free time: 22.9%
Increased profitability of business: 17.1%
Other: 15.3%
Started new business: 12.9%
Empowered employees: 11.0%
Business turn around: 09.0%
Change in residential location: 05.7%
Manchester Inc. released a study of 100 executives that quantifies the business impact of external executive coaching. Companies that provided coaching to their executives showed improvements in productivity, quality, organisational strength, customer service, and shareholder value. They received fewer customer complaints and were more likely to retain executives who had been coached. In addition, a company’s investment in providing coaching to its executives showed an average return on investment (ROI) of almost six times the cost of the coaching.
Among the benefits to companies that provided executive and business coaching were improvements in
Productivity (reported by 53% of executives)
Quality (48%)
Organisational strength (48%)
Customer service (39%)
Reducing customer complaints (34%)
Retaining executives who received coaching (32%)
Bottom-line profitability (22%)
Among the benefits to executives who received coaching were, improved:
Cost reductions (23%)
Working relationships with direct reports (reported by 77% of executives)
Working relationships with immediate supervisors (71%)
Teamwork (67%)
Working relationships with peers (63%)
Job satisfaction (61%)
Conflict reduction (52%)
Organisational commitment (44%)
Working relationships with clients (37%)
In another study conducted by Merrill C. Anderson, Ph.D., MetrixGlobal, LLC
November 2, 2001, the Return on Investment of coaching was calculated to exceed 500%. A summary of that study can be seen below.
Case Study on the Return on Investment of Executive Coaching
This executive briefing was excerpted from the final report of the study conducted at a Fortune 500 firm and is intended for the private use of MetrixGlobal clients and professional associates.
The Bottom Line: Coaching produced a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. Including the financial benefits from employee retention boosted the overall ROI to 788%. The study provided powerful new insights into how to maximise the business impact from executive coaching.’
In general, 98.5% of coaching(executive,business,life etc) clients said their investment in a coach was well worth the money.
70% of clients said their investment in a coach was very valuable.
28.5% said their investment was valuable.
1.5% said their investment in a coach had not been valuable.