The Reality Test – Part of Chapter V of the upcoming book “Find Your Passion”

The Reality Test – Part of Chapter V of the upcoming bookFind Your Passion” 

You’ve got your unique insights after remoting yourself at a place of peace to reflect on yourself! Many congrats! Now, it’s time to try out your passion in real life, because there might be a gap between your insights, your inner world, and the outer world. We’ll make sure you bridge that gap if that’s your case. To do this, you need to create your strategy. There are 3 things for you to do so you can create a successful strategy; because your insights were your inspiration, your passion. To turn your passion into a career with more success and fulfillment, you also need to turn your inspiration into perspiration.

This means you need to make it happen. And the first step to do that is to test your passion in the real life. To see if it really aligns with your insights. Your “reality test” applies only if you’ve never done before what you saw through your insights. So, if it was something that you’ve done in the past, such as in your childhood, then you can just read the “Strategy” part, as well as the next two parts, “Implementation” and “Observation”, without necessarily doing the “Passion-work”.



  1. Plan your next steps
  2. Set deadlines for every step
  3. Remember


a) Plan your next steps

Create an “exploration plan” to try out your passion. Schedule at least the first step and no more than three for the moment. A step is an action item, something you need to do. Remember also that small steps create breakthroughs. So, if you want a smooth and successful transition, take one step at a time.

Here’s a very simple example of an “exploration plan”:

Passion: Dance


1) Researching and deciding on the kind of dance you want to explore first.

2) Subscribe to Latin lessons.

3) Show up and try it out for at least 3 weeks.


b) Set a deadline for every step

Why a deadline is important? Because, according to Parkinson’s law, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Put it simply, if your deadline for a specific task is three months, you’re very likely to complete that task no sooner than three months! If it’s one week, in a week. What about tomorrow? You’ll get it done today! Two hours from now? Yes, you’ll complete it within two hours! That’s why there are new studies regarding the relationship between productivity and the number of working hours per week. In fact, most people are able to get things done sooner, like in three days, instead of five days, by working 24 hours instead of 40. More is not necessarily better. Sometimes, less is more. Is it true? Absolutely!! I can confirm this from both my personal and professional experience.

That’s why you need your deadline. To make the most out of your current momentum as fast as possibleYou’ll also stop procrastinating or trying to come up with new excuses, new “problems”, and new “challenges”. Don’t buy into them again.

Besides that, setting a deadline will make you even more driven and motivated to follow through. It will make you keep and increase your momentum! In other words, it’s a unique way to make you commit to your passion journey and create a more successful and fulfilling career. Yes. That’s why I told you before to write down a deadline for your career transition. Commitment.

Last but not least, when you set a deadline, you increase your probabilities to achieve your steps and goals by 99%! Because you send the message to your subconscious that “THIS IS IMPORTANT. IT MATTERS TO ME. NOW GET BACK TO WORK!”. That’s also why you’ll notice that successful people write down and are clear on their goals, whereas the majority of people (yes, the majority) keeps their goals in their head. These are dreams. Not goalsYour deadline is a bridge between your dreams and your goals, your insights and the outer world, your passion discovery and your career transition.

So, write down on a piece of paper a deadline for every stepSpecific date and time (e.g. 12/25/2021, 23:59:59). Yes, that precise. Pick a deadline that is challenging to you and makes you feel pretty uncomfortable.


c) Remember

Setting a deadline to follow through is necessary for your passion discovery and capitalization; but not enough. How’re you going to make sure to remember your deadlines in a world full of distractions? What things will remind you of your steps and your deadlines, no matter what? Here are a few ideas:

  • Office wall posts
  • Mobile Screensaver
  • PC Desktop
  • Room/House wall posts
  • Piece of paper in your pocket/wallet
  • Alarm clock
  • Objects
  • Images
  • Post-it notes

The goal is this: to remember your deadlines as often as possible in your day. This way, you’ll make the most of your brain’s RAS (Reticular Activating System) and come up with the ideas and actions you need to meet your deadlines! Pick up the reminders that work best for you. Feel free to create your unique reminders and experiment!

Check them every day, at least twice a day, once you wake up and before you go to sleep.


Ready to discover your passion and test it in real life? Then, text me “VIP” at +1 302-260-8758 for you to access on Christmas Eve your quick start $4000 discount (from $4439.8 to $497) on our latest career fulfillment program, the Dream Career Accelerator.

This discount will be available only on Christmas Eve, 24 hours before the official launch, and only for the first 5 professionals who enroll and who are on my special Early Access VIP list. Less than 48 hours to go, so text me now to claim your discount!

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