How to Turn Your Passion into Your Dream Career – Part of Chapter V of the book “Find Your Passion”

How to Turn Your Passion into Your Dream Career – Part of Chapter V of the book “Find Your Passion

Be Omnipresent

No matter how great, no, inconceivable your value can be, it’s as if it doesn’t exist at all if there’s no one to receive it…Does everyone want your product or service? I’m sure you wish! But no!! Not everyone wants what you have to offer. On the other hand, there’s a specific category of people who share a specific profile, in terms of age, gender, origin, profession, interests, hobbies, and so on, that would love to pay for your product, and even more, pay more than anyone else. This also applies to you if you’re looking for a new job. In this case, the specific profile is the company’s profile. What kind of people are they looking for? What are their core values and culture?

Listen! You need to go where the eyeballs are. This is the value of marketing. If you don’t, it’ll be as if you deliver the most inspirational speech in human history – but without anyone to attend…You’ve got to fill the room! But how? Although there’s no fixed answer, there are definitely two things you should do. First, become a masterful marketeer. Learn everything about marketing. How to find and reach out to your ideal client or employer. How to deliver your message and story in an effective and authentic way. How to engage and communicate effectively with your prospects. Everything. You see, many people believe that their weakness is in “selling themselves”, whereas they simply target and spend time with the wrong people, not their ideal clients or employer. As a mentor of mine told me:

The purpose of the Marketing Department is to eliminate the Sales Department.”


Is it true? Absolutely. Reaching an agreement with people who’d love to work with you because they are indeed your ideal clients, the ones who’ll benefit most from your skills and services, is effortless. On the contrary, if they are not a great fit, you’ll be constantly struggling and complaining that “They don’t get it”. No! You don’t get it!

“Go where the eyeballs are!”


So, go where your prospects hang out; ideally where they hang out and there’s no competition hanging out with them. Ask yourself “Where do my prospects hang out the most?” A few ideas to consider:

  • Social media (individually/groups)
  • Forums/Blogs/Magazines/News sites/Podcasts/Radio/Newspapers/TV
  • Networking events
  • Conferences
  • Professional Associations
  • Clubs


Pursue Exposure

Great. You found out where your people hang out! Now it’s time to let them know that you’ve arrived to change their lives for the better! It’s time for you to start delivering inconceivable value! There are many ways to deliver content. Pick your most favorite ones. A few suggestions: 

  • Blogs/ Articles
  • Vlog/ Recorded videos/ Lives
  • Sharing other people’s valuable content
  • Podcasts
  • Posts for reflection/discussion
  • Have a website

Yes, even if you’re looking for a new job, you’ll still need to have a website. Why? Because you want to have your brand (yourself), your skills, talents, experience, and expertise shine together and harmonically in one place. A resume is just a few pages of content, but recruiters also look for personality, for people who stand out. Everyone sends a resume. Not everyone showcases their personality through a website. Plus, it’ll add to you more credibility.

Last but not least, keep in mind that videos have the highest engagement in comparison to other content delivery methods.


What’s in it for me? 

“WIIFM” or “What’s in it for me?” is exactly the question you should be answering for your ideal prospective client or employer, or anyone that you want to work with or influence. Remember. It’s all about them, not about you. Always keep this in mind.


Keep on improving

How can you make sure to keep applying and optimizing the previous strategies? Yes, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” strategy, and you need to try out and customize these steps for yourself. To do this, you need to cultivate patience. It’s the fuel you need to develop steadfastness. 

Now, have a look at a few more systems that will help you grow and keep growing professionally.

AAFF: Always Ask For Feedback 

ALF: Always Leverage Feedback

Yes, it’s all about self-improvement. The faster you do this process, the faster you’ll get valuable insights you can leverage to have a successful career transition! Put your idea into action, ask, and leverage the gift of feedback, adapt, improve, and start over. That’s how you can keep growing. If you don’t want to start your own business, this still applies to you. Choosing one strategy, approach, attitude, or way of thinking over others is also an idea itself that needs to be tested by you, evaluated, and improved.

ADOV: Always Deliver Inconceivable Value

AREC: Always Reward/Retain Existing Customers

If you are a team leader or a manager, this applies to you as well. Plus, it applies to you if you are a job seeker or an employee for you to evaluate how often your value is recognized at work.


Now, if you do want to make a successful transition into a more fulfilling career in 2021 and make an investment for the long run, check out the Dream Career Accelerator, our newest career fulfillment program!